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Stable and regular international cargo transportation is the key to maintaining and developing successful economic relations between countries

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Stable and regular international cargo transportation is the key to maintaining and developing successful economic relations between countries

Order services Contact us

KK Poland has experience in the organization and development of international REF cargo transportation with a temperature regime:


Delivers goods that require a special temperature regime (vegetables, fruits, meat, fish, canned food, dairy and confectionery products, medicines, plants, etc.)


Works in partnership with KTL Ukraine as a REF forwarder


Part of the international holding KK & Sons Netherlands B.V.

Preserving the accumulated logistic chains of shipping, development, and exploration of new, safe, and reliable ones is complicated work, but it is in a position for KK Poland.

Our advantages

We always focus on the needs and priorities of our customers and have the opportunity to offer services to different customers. By choosing our company, you get a guarantee of reliability and quality of services provided.

Our priority is the trust of customers in cooperation and the high level of quality of our service.

The most effective transport solutions at affordable prices

Road transport

Maintaining the quality of cargo is the primary goal of KK Poland when carrying out international road transport across Europe. The personal experience of our team allows us to guarantee the care and reliability of delivery to our customers, to prevent cargo damage during transportation.


The most effective transport solutions at affordable prices

Road transport

Maintaining the quality of cargo is the primary goal of KK Poland when carrying out international road transport across Europe. The personal experience of our team allows us to guarantee the care and reliability of delivery to our customers, to prevent cargo damage during transportation.


How to use our services?

We know everything about the peculiarities of transportation of freights that demand the strict preservation of temperature regime. That is why by providing its services to customers, the KK Poland team:

  • Controls the quality of loading and protection usage for the cargo of any complexity

  • Reduces the risks of freight spoilage

  • Provides modern vehicles for carriage realization

  • Proposes and provides freight transportation with minimal spending

  • Controls the cargo during the whole transportation route

Before dispatching the freight to the customer we calculate all possible risks:

  • Calculate the optimal safe transportation route
  • Check the technical condition of the vehicle fleet
  • Set up and coordinate the actions of all the participants in the transportation process

Order services

Wrocław — Berlin

06.09.2018, 07:00    346 km

Paris — Drezno

07.09.2018, 11:00    1028 km

Barcelona — London

06.09.2018, 08:00    1497 km

Genua — Brno

09.09.2018, 23:00    1189 km

How to use our services?

We know everything about the peculiarities of transportation of freights that demand the strict preservation of temperature regime. That is why by providing its services to customers, the KK Poland team:

  • Controls the quality of loading and protection usage for the cargo of any complexity

  • Reduces the risks of freight spoilage

  • Provides modern vehicles for carriage realization

  • Proposes and provides freight transportation with minimal spending

  • Controls the cargo during the whole transportation route

Before dispatching the freight to the customer we calculate all possible risks:

  • Calculate the optimal safe transportation route
  • Check the technical condition of the vehicle fleet
  • Set up and coordinate the actions of all the participants in the transportation process

Order services

Wrocław — Berlin

06.09.2018, 07:00    346 km

Paris — Drezno

07.09.2018, 11:00    1028 km

Barcelona — London

06.09.2018, 08:00    1497 km

Genua — Brno

09.09.2018, 23:00    1189 km


  • Brandon Ross
    Vestibulum sollicitudin. Cras ut quam eu neque auctor auctor est, vel diam. Nam id felis. Curabitur placerat, molestie vitae, rutrum pede ultrices lorem eu pede cursus dolor tellus, volutpat at, congue orci luctus nisl. Cras tempus euismod. Nulla ac turpis egestas.
    Brandon Ross
  • Katarina Johnes
    Aenean gravida pulvinar porta est. Integer leo lobortis convallis, dui vitae sem. In lobortis volutpat. Vestibulum nibh. Duis non ullamcorper nec, ullamcorper in, dapibus eu, fringilla viverra quis, ornare bibendum leo vel lectus. Nam nec lectus vestibulum ligula. Ut nonummy.
    Katarina Johnes
  • Tony Johnson
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet quam nibh sit amet, purus. Aliquam adipiscing elit. Quisque in erat velit ac arcu. Pellentesque sagittis, metus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nunc sit amet lorem. In ornare ultrices posuere cubilia Curae.
    Tony Johnson